«Senderos» (Pathways) Course
On 4 February, in the house of the Claretian Fathers in Los Negrales, the SENDEROS course began for Brothers aged from 40 to 55. The animator-directors of the course are Brothers José Javier Espinosa Marticorena and Afonso Levis. The former takes up the task of co-ordinator once more, after having completed two terms in this role. In fact, the one meant to replace him, Brother Eduardo Navarro de la Torre, was appointed Provincial some time ago. Brother Alfredo Sainz Villanueva has since been giving his community a hand in financial affairs.
Brother Antonio Ramalho, Councillor General, was present at the opening and for the first days of the course.
The Brothers taking part in the course are: Laurentino Albalá Medina, José Ignacio Rodríguez ?« Iñaki » and Alejandro Urriza (Norandina) ; Maurício Dantas and Roberto de Sousa Lima (Brasil Centro-Norte) ; Antonio Benedito de Oliveira ?« Benê » and Otalivio Sarturi (Brasil Centro-Sul) ; Demetrio Espinosa Espinosa (Cruz del Sur) ; Jair Heck and Lauri Heck (Rio Grande do Sul) ; Alberto Iván Ricica Siskova (América Central); Gustavo Martín Cerda Hernández (México Occidental).
The good initial entente, fraternal spirit, climate of openness and readiness are a good augury for the progress of this new group of « senderistas », ready to scale, as a community, the heights of the « new land ».