Services of the Institute available to provinces and districts
A group of four new Brother Provincials, who have assumed office in recent months, spent the week of February 23-28 in Rome, along with Brother Superior General and his Council. They were Brothers Davide Pedri (Brasil Centro-Sul), Ernesto Sánchez Barba (Western Mexico), Bernard Beaudin (Canada) and Sebastião Antonio Ferrarini (District of Amazonia), each of whom has recently begun his first term as province or district animator.
The purpose of the meeting with the General Council and with other members of the General Administration was to orient the new leaders regarding animating the Brothers and their ministries and to familiarize them with the procedures followed in the administration of the Institute. The program, developed by Brother Superior General and his Council, lasted an entire week, and consisted of morning and afternoon sessions. The new provincials were scheduled to meet with each of the persons in charge of the services of the general administration: finance, evangelical use of goods, communications, relations of the Institute with the Vatican, Secretary General, archives, among others. They came to a better understanding of the internal organization that streamlines the support these services give to the Institute.
The Brother Provincals remarked on the usefulness of these meetings, through which they were able to learn the importance of the central organization of our Institute and the help it provides the administrative units scattered throughout the world. The presence of Br. Seán Sammon, Superior General, of his Council and of the other members of the General Administration, was an incentive for these Brothers, having recently assumed positions of responsibility in the Institute, to be able to confront the complexity of governing their administrative units with the assurance that they have an efficient organization backing them up.