Shanthi Liyanage (South Asia) and Luis García Sobrado (Sector Mission ad gentes)
Brother Superior General and his Council, meeting on 1st July 2010, have appointed Brother Shanthi Liyanage as Provincial of the Province of South Asia, for a first mandate of three years, beginning on 18 August 2010.
Brother Emili Turú, in a letter addressed to all the Brothers, thanked Brother Santhi for being ready to direct the Province of South Asia for the next three years. This young Province, composed of Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan, has some great challenges in front of it but also a fine future. Among the challenges, Br. Emili underlined the following: constructing solid bonds between communities, reinforcing the religious life of the Brothers, promoting the Marist laity, and confronting the decline of vocations. At the same time, there are great hopes concerning the pastoral care of the Brothers, the leadership promoted by the General Chapter, formation and vocations promotion, and the development of a common vision. The new leadership calls on all the Brothers to « facilitate the birth of a new epoch of the Marist charism » in the Province, which is preparing to celebrate the centenary of the Marist presence in Sri Lanka in 2011.
At the same meeting of the General Council, Brother Luis García Sobrado was appointed superior of the Mission ad gentes Sector. Brother Luis has generously accepted the direction of this Sector for a period of three years, from 1st September 2010.
After a stay of eight months in the Sector, Br. Luis has won the confidence of the Brothers. His leadership experience, acquired as General Councillor and Vicar General, his ability to take the appropriate decisions, his international and intercultural experience, his remarkable qualities of communication, his capacity for facing up to diversity, his knowledge of the world, human realities and the universal Church, all will help him give a definitive drive to the Sector.
Brother Luis replaces Brother Michael De Waas, who was elected to the General Council during the XXI General Chapter.