2013-06-22 GUATEMALA

Sharing life and reflection

On 19 May, an inter-community meeting of Brothers took place in the Guatemala High School, under the presidency of Br Hipólito Pérez, provincial.

It opened with a prayer to the Holy Spirit on this Pentecost Sunday. Then there was sharing and reflection on the IIInternational Marist Mission Assembly which is being held in September 2014, in Nairobi, Kenya. We have all already, Brothers and laity, been invited to participate in the preparatory phase of this meeting : a process arousing life and supposing prayer, reflection and celebration.

We also shared and reflected on the IX Marist General Conference to be held at the Hermitage from 8 to 29 this September and which will have as theme : « Awaken the dawn – Prophets and mystics for our time ».

We were able to profit from the presence of Br Antonio Peralta, provincial of the Province of Santa Maria de los Andes, who kindly shared different aspects of the journey of his province.

At the end, we celebrated the feast of Pentecost with the Eucharist.

Br Francisco Javier Hernández


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