2021-06-08 BRAZIL

South America Launches publication of the Network of Schools in the Region

E-book records more than 100 projects of Basic Education during the pandemic

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On June 10, the e-book School Stories of the South America Region – Marist Experiences in times of Covid-19 will be launched. With transmission through the YouTube channel of Umbrasil, the event is promoted by the Network of Schools of the South America Region. The virtual launching will count on the participation of the team of the South America Region and of educators who will represent the 167 cases sent. The publication gathers narratives of experiences, challenges and lessons learned in the units of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru.

To follow the event, click on this link.

School Stories from the South America Region – Marist Experiences in times of Covid-19

They are contents in Portuguese and Spanish that consist of almost 500 pages and are an example of how the Marist mission was resilient, sought adaptations and, above all, remained alive “from the classroom to the home room”. After an organization carried out since the second semester of 2020, the finalized material has the objective of recognizing and valuing the performance of each educator in this adverse period. Besides that, it will serve for research and sharing of a rich historical documentation of the session.

A trajectory full of learning and challenges

In 2020, during the adaptations implemented in the different forums of Marist education due to the pandemic, the Network of Schools of the South America Region perceived the importance of recording initiatives, experiences, and learnings of this historical session. Organized from this sensitive point of view, the team – in harmony with the educators of the Basic Education Units of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, and Peru -constructed an e-book with narratives of the main projects developed during a year of change of routines.

The coordinator of the regional team of the Network of Schools, Ricardo Mariz, explains how the project was articulated and the challenge of gathering experiences and lessons learned in such an atypical session. “The effort to understand the dynamics of the pandemic, the necessary conditions of care and the offer of alternative solutions for the continuity of the learning and assistance processes was common among the provinces”, he says. Mariz also highlights that, from the initiative, it was possible to perceive the intensification of technology solutions, the care for students with access difficulties, the creation of specific security protocols for schools, the review of plans and forms of evaluation and the effort of all for a double complementary movement: to take care of life and learning. “The publication, which will be launched soon, plays the role of systematization of that experience, shares the learnings made and the solutions built. In this way, we can reduce paths, avoid mistakes, and expand practices that are working,” he says.

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