2012-11-20 SPAIN

Spanish Marist Conference

The Spanish Marist Conference, in co-ordination with the Marist pastoral teams of the four Provinces with works in Spain, is launching, for the first time, a training course for teachers of religious education in Spain.

It involves the updating and motivating of the persons who co-ordinate and animate the teaching of religion at the nursery and primary school level. The course will last two weeks, the first in November and the second in February ; it will be held in the Marist houses of les Avellanes (Lérida), and Xaudaró (Madrid).

Objectives of the course

1. Form persons capable of motivating the teams of nursery and primary schools in the area of teaching of religion.
2. Prepare the participants for exercising leadership within these teams.
3. Form those persons so that they may be leaders of innovation in religion teaching in our schools.
4. Provide the participants with useful pedagogical and theological tools so that they may be  animators of religion teaching in their school establishments.

You can consult here all the information on this training course (PDF in Spanish)



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