2020-06-15 GENERAL HOUSE

Stand Up, Speak Up and Act: A project still alive

The Secretariat for Education and Evangelization of the Institute launched a project in 2019 to serve the Institutes yearning to actively engage young people in contributing to actions that decides their welfare and wellbeing. The video of the young people inviting us to join this project can be viewed down.

This project calls our attention to the way of listening and allowing the participation of children and young people in decisions that affect their lives. It emanates from the General Chapter and the Strategic Plan of the General Administration.

A guide documents were circulated enlightening the Institute and calling for the participation of children and young people by telling us how best they feel we should listen them.

Activities were spelt out clearly for young people and the educators as well. The aim is to gather from all interest sharers a contribution that will enrich the draft document which will eventually become a guide for the Marist Institute on how to listen to the voices of children and young people and involve them in decision that affects their lives.

We had the deadline of 30th June to gather the feedback from all AU’s, but the pandemic of Covid-19 interrupted and disrupted the timeline.

A letter was sent to the Administrative Unities leaders and the Administrative Unities link coordinators of this project to encourage them to continue using the opportunity of this period to have more time and to gather more reflection from the children and young people as well as the educators.

It is an opportunity for more people to contribute to the project since a new deadline for the submission of the final reflection will be communicated post Covid-19 period.


Guide on the right to child and youth participation in the Marist Institute – Draft document
English | Español | Français | Português

Letter to the Link Coordinators of Marist Provinces and Districts
English | Español | Français | Português

Guide for the consultation of EDUCATORS on the right to participation of Marist children, adolescents and young people
English | Español | Français | Português

Guide for the survey of Marist CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS on their rights to play an active role
English | Español | Français | Português

Consent form for photography, film and interviews
English | Español | Français | Português


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