Stay with us, Lord
The V Provincial Chapter of the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul was held from 3 to 5 December. One of the most important events for provincial life, it was lived as an authentic community, institutional and ecclesial celebration by the brothers, lay Marists, youth and collaborators with intensity, gratitude and hope. Under the motto “Stay with us, Lord,” the major advances of 2011-2014 were analysed and there was reflection on the prospects for the next three years. The list of priorities was also drawn up for the journey towards the Bicentenary of the Institute, whose motto proposes “a new beginning”.
About 120 persons gathered at the Marist Centre Marcellin Champagnat, in Curitiba. The first day, the participants took part in a Eucharist and heard the General Councilors, Brs Josep Maria Soteras and Eugène Kabanguka stress the necessity of listening to “what is said but also to what is behind what is said”. It is necessary to listen “with the heart and with the spirit”. They also mentioned the Superior General, saying that the heart of Br Emili was united in some way with this moment so special for the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul.
The advances of the three year period were then presented and the challenges for the future of the two provincial sectors, the Corporative Areas and all the Apostolic Fronts. All present recognized with humility that there was still much to be done to move the Marist mission forward and the legacy of Marcellin Champagnat.
The second day of the chapter, the ceremony of the installation of the Br Provincial, Joaquim Sperandio, took place. Then the participants split into two groups: brothers and laity. The brothers went into retreat in preparation for the election of the new Provincial Council while the laity discussed the shared mission, the new forms of association and community life and the work of vocations. In the afternoon, the brothers did the voting. Brs AntĂ´nio Benedito de Oliveira, DĂ©lcio Afonso Balestrin, Jorge Gaio, RogĂ©rio Mateucci, TercĂlio Sevegnani and Vanderlei Siqueira dos Santos were elected for the first three years of the Provincial Council.
On the third day, the chapter made various suggestions for the new term, particularly for the new Council to continue an administration impregnated with the charism, with special attention to the religious life of the brothers and a commitment with the laity and the other horizons indicated.
The V Provincial Chapter ended with a Eucharistic celebration.
New Provincial Council of Brasil Centro-Sul: IrmĂŁos AntĂ´nio Benedito de Oliveira, DĂ©lcio Afonso Balestrin, Jorge Gaio, RogĂ©rio Mateucci, TercĂlio Sevegnani e Vanderlei Siqueira dos Santos (Prov.: Joaquim Sperandio)