Strategic planning for Marist Youth Ministry
The Province of Australia has initiated a significant expansion and integration of Marist Youth Ministry across the country. From this year, a single team of four people will lead youth ministry at Province level – three “MYM Regional Coordinators” and one national “Remar Coordinator”. They are spread across the three Province offices in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Also employed across these three offices are 12 young people who work as youth ministers. These Province-level people lead and support local coordinators in all the schools of the Province and in programmes for young adults. The target group are young people aged between 15 and 25 years. A new “Marist Youth Ministry Council” for the Province has been established to oversee this area of ministry. On 8 February, this Council spent a day at the Marist Centre Sydney to do some strategic planning, attempting to give an Australian reality to the book “Evangelisers in the Midst of Youth”. The day was effectively facilitated by Brother David Hall.