2008-11-10 ARGENTINA

Suggestions involving regional and interregional collaboration

The work of the Enlarged General Council, carried out from 25 – 31 October 2008 in Mar del Plata, concluded with a series of proposals for regional and interregional collaboration in relation to animation and government, formation, mission and the laity.

Animation and government

The suggestions for collaboration regarding animation and government cover two aspects: one concerning general government and the other concerning the Region itself.

With regard to general government, the majority of Councillors in this region proposed the creation, at the next General Chapter, of regional General Councillors; that is to say, a member of the General Council in charge of a specific region, even living in that particular region.

Concerning government and animation with regard to the Region, it was suggested that the regional General Councillors, with the Provincials, should evaluate the collective needs of the Region and generate processes and appropriate structures to deal with such needs. They also expressed a desire for a revision of existing structures, to provide greater coordination: CIAP, continental Commissions, Subcommittees, Enlarged General Council, Bureaus, etc.

On the other hand, it was considered most opportune to continue with the meetings of the Enlarged General Council. The need was also pointed out for favouring greater communication, information and exchange between the provinces of the Region and greater correspondence among the bureaus of the General Administration, of the Region and of the Province.


With regard to formation, Brazil demonstrated the wish to explore the possibility of moving towards a shared novitiate, as well as carrying out a study to harmonize the formation plans of the Scholasticates. Cono Sur, on the other hand, already has a shared Novitiate and will study the possibility of also having a Scholasticate for that region.

The Assembly approved the creation of a study commission, consisting of a member of each Administrative Unit, to carry out proposals concerning the formation of the young brothers from Brazil and Cono Sur. This commission will present its conclusions to the representatives of these regions during the next meeting of CIAP.

Mission and the laity

With regard to mission and the laity, the most significant thing is the continuity of the processes of combined formation for brothers and lay people which began in Quito. Both Brazil and Cono Sur have already decided on the necessary procedures to guarantee that continuity.

On the other hand, a series of ideals have been suggested: to make viable the features suggested by the Network of Marist Apostolic Spirituality for each province; to encourage mutual help in the combined formation of brothers and lay people, taking advantage of the annual provincial meetings in Cono Sur; to develop a project of formation for brothers and lay people on Marist Patrimony; to extend the areas of mission and solidarity in each Province with the possibility of some interchange of brothers and lay people.


Brother Seán Sammon, Superior General closed the meeting by inviting the Provincial Council to encourage, from the early years of formation, internationality and interculturality and to continue to consolidate the processes, which are already in place, of shared mission. He congratulated the Provincial Council for the support they give to the General Administration both with brothers and finance. On behalf of the General Council he thanked Bro. Demetrio Espinosa, Provincial of Cruz del Sur, for the welcome and hospitality extended to them in the course of these days. And with simple words he recognized the valuable contributions that have been made during his generalship, as well as the mistakes made, for which he humbly asked their forgiveness. He concluded by encouraging the brothers to follow Jesus with enthusiasm, in the style of Mary.


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