2009-09-28 GENERAL HOUSE

Superiors of the Institute

26 September 2009 was chosen as the day for electing the new Superiors to preside over the fortunes of the Congregation for the next eight years. The members of the General House were surprised with the speed with which the capitulants chose Brother Emili Turú as thirteenth successor of Saint Marcellin Champagnat. Scarcely half an hour had passed after the doors were closed on those voting, when the bell rang to announce that voting was over and the choice had been made. The Brothers of the house immediately gathered to greet and congratulate the new Superior General.

With Brother Emili carrying a reliquary of Saint Marcellin, capitulants and other Brothers processed to the church to give thanks to God and to Mary for the new Superior General.

Brother Sean Sammon officially presented the new Superior to the Brothers and to the Marist world. Brother Emili?s first words, in English, expressed his strong and varied emotions. ?I hope I will not disappoint the many Brothers and lay people who have placed their hopes in me?. After these few words, the assembly intoned the Magnificat thanking God through Mary for the gift of the new Superior General. This simple act of community and family concluded with the singing of the chapter song ?A new heart,? composed by Brothers Maurice Goutagny (songwriter) and Miquel Cubeles (composer).

A notice, accompanied by a photograph, circulated rapidly, by means of the web page, around the Marist world. Numerous meassages of salutation and congratulation immediately began to arrive.

The capitulants were free for the remainder of the morning to attend to other tasks.

Election of the Brother Vicar General

According to the programme, the afternoon of the same day, Saturday, was set aside for the election of the Vicar General. Nobody expected that, in this case too, things would proceed quickly. But again, there was soon news of the election of Brother Joseph Mc Kee as Vicar General. Faces registered happiness and satisfaction. There was another round of congratulations, followed by a photography session for the records.

All the comments included a common refrain: these rapid decisions were a fruit of the communion existing among the capitulants.

The day concluded with a family fiesta in the chapter hall after supper. Brother Emili Turú dedicated some words of gratitude to Brothers Sean Sammon and Luis García Sobrado for their dedication and service to the Institute, as Superior General and Vicar general respectively. They had served the institute for almost two decades. The Brothers present were warm and lavish in their applause. The celebration continued with presentations from the Brothers of the various regions of the Institute.

Assisi, Pompeii, Tivoli

Sunday 27 September was a day of relaxation. The capitulants had a choice of three tourist destinations: Assisi, Pompeii or Tivoli. Some chose to stay at home or visit the city of Rome, which was celebrating the European Days of Patrimony. Thus closed another week of chapter work. Next week, the work groups continue their study of the seven tasks.


XXI General Chapter...


Tuesday, September 29th...