2016-04-01 AUSTRALIA

Supporting the vitality and growth of Marist Life in Oceania

The Oceania Council and College of Leaders met in Sydney on 2122 March 2016. The meeting was preceded by a oneday combined meeting of the International Commission for Mission and the Oceania Council.

The thrust of these meetings was to continue to:

  • Respond to the calls of the last General Chapter
  • Prepare for the 2017 General Chapter
  • Implement initiatives to support the vitality and growth of Marist Life in Oceania.


La Valla 200> Project

At the request of the General Council the Oceania Council proposed two international communities for the Region: Mt Druitt and Kiribati. The General Administration has approved these as part of the La Valla 200> Project. Members of the Mt Druitt community attended the meeting to outline the initial planning, strategy and prospects. The Oceania Council endorsed the project in principle. The Oceania Council has now established a Steering Committee to provide oversight for the staged implementation of the project and matters related to governance, finance and other establishment issues.

The proposal regarding the La Valla 200> project in Kiribati will be considered by the Oceania Council at their meeting in August.


Network of Marist Education in Oceania

In recent times there have been a number of ad hoc cooperative arrangements to further Marist education. This process has now been formalised with the establishment of the Network of Marist Education in Oceania. The purpose of the Network is to provide a mechanism to share expertise, to support current leaders and to form future leaders, to build teacher capacity and to assist in strengthening organisational structures and financial management strategies.


New Models

At the combined meeting the Director of the Mission Secretariat, (Br João Carlos do Prado) and the consultant (Mr Luca Olivari), who have been facilitating the New Models project at the international level, presented the global picture that is emerging of regional collaboration and cooperation. Their visit provided an opportunity for the Oceania Council to address those issues that have an influence on the future collaboration in the Oceania Region.

A small committee has been established by the Oceania Council to make suggestions about possible areas for further collaboration in the Oceania Region.


Lay Partnership

Throughout the Institute lay people are being formed to animate groups of Lay Marists to deepen the Charism of St Marcellin Champagnat in their lives and mission. The Oceania Council actively supported a ‘TraintheTrainers’ workshop in Brisbane in November 2015. As a result of the workshop a number of initiatives are being developed and implemented in the three Administrative Units.

The Oceania Council is formed by the Province of Australia, District of the Pacific and the District of Melanesia.


Kevin Wanden – Oceania Regional Coordinator


La Valla 200>...


Growing in identity as Marist Educators...