Taking the pulse of the General House
Br Superior General and his Council, the different Secretariats and the brothers and lay persons working for the General Government were present in the Sala Champagnat on 13 June to hear a summary of the results of the evaluation carried out by ESIC.
The General Council had requested the ESIC (Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Comerciales) of the congregation of the Dehonian Fathers (Fathers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) to carry out an external evaluation of all the personnel, brothers and lay, working at the level of the General Government. The process started in February under the direction of Messrs José Miguel Ucero Omaña and Sergio Alonso Galrido.
The evaluation carried out in February was both oral, through an interview, and written, through a questionnaire. It touched on various aspects connected with the work, team work, responsibilities, evaluation/follow up/control, decision making, the human resource system, communication, management style, and interpersonal relations.
The presentation of the results of the evaluation was made at the start of the day and was followed by a period for comments and questions.
At the close, Br Emili thanked all for the transparency and collaboration shown in carrying out the evaluation. He thanked those responsible from ESIC for their dedication to their work. And finally he thanked all for working together to provide a service in favour of the whole Institute.