2014-03-24 ITALY

Testimony of Br. Saul Placious

We present here a testimony of Br. Saul Placious, from India (Prov. South Asia), who is taking part in the “Brother Formators for a New World” in English at Manziana.


Living as a Religious Consecrated person with deep Marist Values of in my life; be presence, Simplicity, Family Spirit, Love of Work and Marial attitudes, where I feel that my life is deeply rooted in God’s Unconditional and Mercy. Deeply looking at my-self here at Manziana for the FORMATORS FOR THE NEW WORLD program is helping me and my inner-self to be a Man of “Hermitage” because our Hermitage structure is very much reflecting in my life to deepen my Marist spirituality of my Vocation as a Marist. 1.  Reflecting and discovering God’s invitation in daily life journey. 2. Community life; Living as a family like the early Christian lived. 3. Apostolic zeal; looking at the signs of the time and serve God’s Kingdom. 

When I am looking at myself as well as our Institution here at Manziana, Formation has become a Priority for each and every one of us.  Not only for the new generation but those who live our (their) Vocation today as Brothers. Our BROTHERS FOR NEW WORLD Program inviting me personally to discover the invitation of the Lord in each day with in my life experience, what the Lord is asking me to do for in His kingdom day today life and to live as a prophetic role to discover the signs of God in earthly realities of today and Witness the Charism of Our Institute. To be a Formater for BROTHERS FOR NEW WORLD “I wish to be the change in myself” ones I know what is happening in me and around me and I will be aware of the spirit of the Lord moving in each and everything and I will be able to play the Prophetic role in my life. 

BROTHERS FOR NEW WORLD program strengthen my Vocation as a MARIST and COMMITMENT to be a Religious, Deepen my relationship with the Lord and my Spiritual Journey, ready to change my personal attitudes as a human. I feel it is a gracious treasure for me in my life and it is the “Pearl” where I am feeling to live, experiencing in daily life, strengthening by God’s grace, motivating myself to follow in the footstep of our lovable Founder St. Marcellin Champagnat in the way of Our/ my Good Mother Mary, to be a brother to Kingdom of God and to our brothers and sisters throughout the World. 

In our International Community in Manziana, I / We live with joy and happiness of sharing our self and helping one another with Brotherly care and love. I / We experience the important of The Call to be Prophets and Mystics in Contemplative Dimension, Community Dimension and Mission Dimension through our group sharing and reflection. It is very precious to listen and to be with our Brothers to journey with one another in the Spirit of Marist through this Program Present and Future of my / our Marist Journey.

With Mary and Champagnat

Bro. Saul fms


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