2015-09-07 FRANCE

The Brothers lived an intense time of fraternal life in L?Hermitage

Every year, at the end of August, all the community Superiors of the Province of  L‘Hermitage are invited by the Secretariat of Brothers Today to meet during two days, alternatively, in Notre Dame de l’Hermitage, or in the Marist Monastery of Les Avellanes in Catalonia.  This year for the 5th time, approximately fifty Superiors from Algeria, Catalonia, France, Greece, Hungary and Switzerland lived an intense time of fraternal life in l’Hermitage.  Two days well organized with a rhythm of times of sharing in groups, of prayer, of information on the Province and the Institute.  

This is the occasion to launch the theme for reflection which will inspire the drawing up of the community Project of Life for the new year: Together let us live the Promise of Fourvière.

Brother André Lanfrey introduced the reflection by means of a very well documented presentation on the sources and the historical context of the form of July 23, 1816.  After, each one was invited to update for himself, his community or the Province the « promise of Fourvière » in writing and in sharing it with the others. In this same dynamic of the Year of Fourvière, the visit to the renovated house of the Neylière was the occasion to discover or rediscover Jean-Claude Colin and the history of the Marist priests and of celebrating during a Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Father Bernd Kordes the « Promise of Fourvière.   

This annual meeting allows each Superior to feel supported in his mission of animation of his community. It also allows knowing one another better and thus strengthens the sentiment of belonging to one same Province, though very diverse in its cultures, its missions, its local realities. 


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