The children and young people of the Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province “stand up, speak up & act”
The “Stand Up, Speak Up & Act” project launched by the Institute’s Secretariat for Education and Evangelisation in 2019 is also being implemented in the Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province, where 90 children aged 6 to 12 will be listened to as part of the initiative.
The Project highlights how listening and enabling children and young people to participate in decisions that affect their lives and promotes their empowerment in all mission situations (read more about the project).
On 24 March, the Province held its first training session in which about 25 educators from the Schools and Social Units, who were chosen to listen, as well as other leaders from the Administrative Unit, participated. Under the direction of Lúcia Flesch, from the social area of the Marist Network, the participants, who met virtually, discovered what the project consists of.
Br. Carlos Alberto Rojas, Director of the Secretariat of Education and Evangelisation of the General Administration, responsible for the project at Institute level, was also present through a video message.
According to Jacqueline Camillo, member of the Child and Adolescent Protection Consultancy of the Marist Network, an organ of the Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia, this is a bold and pioneering project. “We are very happy to participate. It is necessary that in our spaces we have and create a culture of child and youth participation, given that our work and mission is at their service”.
More information about this initiative in Brazil can be found here.