The connecting race between Marist schools begins
Sports activities are part of the Marist educational tradition. Within the planning of the CHAMPAGNAT GLOBAL WEEK, we wanted to include an activity that will help us to combine the practice of sports with the connection with other Marist schools in the world.
The activity is called:
Champagnat Global Run,
and consists of visiting a
Marist school, in a virtual way, accumulating kilometers
in a physical way.
To do this, in the school that wishes to participate in the initiative, a team of participants will be formed (students, teachers, management team, former students, families of students, etc.) This team will choose a school that they want to visit virtually, they will measure the kilometers of distance, organize the way to accumulate the kilometers and arrive at the chosen
destination. What will happen next is part of the surprise…
The schools that decide to participate will be able to start the activity on the date they wish, over the course of a year and the duration will depend on the distance between the Marist schools and the organization of the activity.
To learn more about this initiative, we invite you to participate on October 20 in the information session we will have about the Champagnat Global Run.
For more information and registration see the schedule.