2021-09-06 GENERAL HOUSE

The General Council meets with the Secretariats and Departments of the General Administration

In June and September, during the plenary sessions, the General Council traditionally sets aside a week for direct dialogue with the secretariats and departments assisting in the animation of the Institute. The meeting, which began on Monday and will end on 11 September, has as its theme “reconnecting and strengthening our passion”. 27 brothers and lay people will be gathered, some in person and some virtually.

The spirit of the meeting is described by Brother Luis Carlos, Vicar General: “The Collaborative Week is a time we dedicate to support each other in the global animation of the Institute, to promote the Strategic Plan of Animation and Government, to facilitate productive dialogues, to walk in a coordinated way, to create synergies and to join our faith, vocation and life”.

The general objective of the meeting is to get to know, join in dialogue on the current situation of the Institute and the animation projects of the General Administration.

Among the specific objectives are:

  • Reconnecting with the situation and intuitions of the Institute during this “asymmetrical” Post-Pandemic period.
  • Visualising the development of the Strategic Plan and recognising the key itinerary for the period 2021-2025.
  • -Advancing in the synergy and integration of the areas.
  • Identifying, as a community, the ecclesial and social moment that we perceive in the world, and which calls for mission and religious life and laity.
  • -Encouraging the areas, Secretariats and Links Councillors in their common projects to create the necessary areas for dialogue and interaction.
  • Gathering, at a first reading, the visions on the regional proposals from the General Administration.
  • Reflecting on leadership: lessons learned, challenges and successes.
  • Continuing the training on the culture of protection of minors.
  • Celebrating our faith as an animating community of the Institute.
  • Celebrating Mary as a disciple on the journey, an inspirer of responses and service.
  • Deepening interpersonal relationships and offering areas for community living.

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