2008-01-07 BRAZIL

The Marist Brothers have a special importance in Brazil

On December 15, 2007 there took place the fifteenth regular meeting of affiliated organizations and those of the Regional Commission for the Defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents. During the meeting the participants elected the institution?s new membership as to (1) the National Secretariat, and (2) the Fiscal Oversight Council. The Secretariat will coordinate the DCA Forum over the next two years (2008 and 2009).

The Brazil Association for Education and Culture (ABEC/Marist receiving 56 votes) was the organization which came out in first position. It was followed by the Federal Council of Psychology (CFO receiving 48 votes), the National Employees Federation of Charitable, Religious and Philanthropic Institutions (FENATIBREF with 44 votes) and the Brazil Youth Society (SDP with 41 votes). As a result the four organizations in question will assume the roles of National Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Executive Secretary and Financial Secretary. Substitutions will be provided by the Brazil Conference of Provinces-Salesians of Don Bosco (CISBRASIL receiving 28 votes), and the National Movement for Helping Street Children (MNMMR with had 21 votes).

The following persons represented the Marist Brothers at the meeting:
Brother Vicente Falqueto ? Director of UBEE-UNBEC
Jauri Roque Mallmann – USBEE
Jimena Grignani – ABEC/Forum National DCA
Marco Antônio Barbosa – UCE
Maria do Abri Monteiro de Melo Seibel – UBEE-UNBEC
Renato Augusto da Silva UBEE-UNBEC
Valeria de Jesus Lobo – UBEE-UNBEC

The forum?s new National Secretariat takes over its responsibilities this coming February. One of its first activities will be to develop an action plan for 2008/2009. The plan will take its origin from suggestions which were presented by those who attended the last Assembly of the national forum.


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