The Marist Presence in Scotland

The Marist Brothers arrived in the United Kingdom in 1852 (London). Today we are still present in Scotland, where the Brothers arrived in 1858 (Glasgow).  In Scotland we are no longer actively involved in schools.  Brother Ronnie McEwan works in Kinharvie Institute. Brother Joseph McKee continues to work on behalf of the Institute in general, as does Brother Brendan. Brother Colin continues to work as archivist in the General House.  Now retired are Brothers Alan, Charles, Douglas, Norbert, Joseph and Wilfrid. We, retired Brothers, are very happy to have our Marist brothers and sisters supporting us in less structured environments.

The Brothers have passed on the responsibility for the charism of Saint Marcellin Champagnat to the state-run St. John’s High School, Dundee.


St. John’s High School

The head-teacher, Fiona McLagan and her dedicated staff have worked very hard to foster the Marist charism. To enter the school is to experience a feeling of warmth. Almost the first thing to greet the visitor is a beautiful statue of St. Marcellin, Rule Book in hand, arms outspread in welcome. There is also a sense of history here: the statue stood for many years at the entrance to our chapel in Marist House, Glasgow. It is fitting that Marcellin has moved to St. John’s High School, where every member of staff, every pupil is aware of what it is to be Marist.

As a part of the Religious Education programme, the children are introduced to Marist history and at the start of their secondary education they are encouraged to find out more about the early Brothers, the reasons why Marcellin founded our Order.

In their third-year members of a group are given the task of speaking to their peers, going more deeply into the Marist History.

In their fifth year, students can volunteer to spend a period in Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage, France, where they have the opportunity to study, discuss and play with students from diverse countries. On their return to St. John’s they share their experiences and tell what it is to genuinely be part of the international Marist family.

The corridor outside the school chapel is dedicated to pictures illustrating the development of the Brothers, the work done by the Brothers in Dundee, the present work being done by the students in the school.


Partnership with India

One of the year groups of the St. John’s High School is tasked with raising funds for our India Village Project. After twelve years, we are still very much involved with our Brothers in India and the money raised through various school events is used in such projects as the Rainbow Project,  the schools run by the Brothers and the project to educate children in outlying villages – very much in the footsteps of Marcellin.

In Scotland we continue with confidence to place our apostolate and prayers in the hands of Mary.


Br. Douglas – For the Marists of Glasgow


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