The Marist vocation as a theme of artistic expression
The convocation of an artistic competition on the Marist vocation brought together a significant group of students studying plastic arts, drama and music from the 18th to the 20th October in the Champagnat Marist College of Bogotá. The theme of the reflection of this competition was the Marist vocation. Representatives from the schools at Ipiales, Pasto, Popayán, Cali, Manziales Ibagué and Bogotá were present. Under the impetus and general co-ordination of Brother Nelson Cardona, we had a valuable experience that we hope to continue in future years.
The artistic realisation was completed with the conferences given by Brothers Saúl Corzo and André Volé, one on the person of Marcellin and the other on ecology. The material realisation, in its turn, was able to count on the collaboration of the mothers of the families belonging to the Champagnat lay fraternity who welcomed into their homes the children and young people from the other towns and with the group of teachers of the arts section of Champagnat College of Bogotá that offered valuable aid.
The colour, the talent, the dynamism, the creativity and the intervention of our artists were excellent. For the first time, the gathering of this group of numerous participants in an event such as this and focussed on the subject of vocations was a great success since, through the means of this form of expression that we experienced, we could exploit the great richness of the charism left to us by Champagnat. We believe that the first beneficiaries of this competition were the participants themselves, since art participates above all in the total formation of the person.