The Marists offer health services
On 30 November, we celebrated our first 10 years of operation. The celebration began with the Eucharist. As our first reading we recalled the passage about the young Montagne, which serves us as motivation and encouragement in our work each day with the patients. As Gospel we read the passage from Jn 15 : 9-13, where Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us. This also stimulates us to work more each day for our patients who have such need of us.
Then there was the presentation of diplomas of recognition, preceded by some words from the current President of the Champagant Foundation, Br José María Berruete. He spoke to us about co-responsibility in the mission. « The celebration of these 10 years, he said, is the best proof that the Marist Brothers are helping the laity carry out their mission in the Church and in the world. »
Then we expressed our gratitude to the School for its accompaniment during these 10 years.
The celebration ended with a little aperitif, during which we were able to share, chat and make a visit of the installation with people who did not know them or had not visited us for a long time.
María Gabriela Santaniello Casale (Maga)