The MYM retreat for self-knowledge, dialogue and listening
Carrying out an encounter with himself and with God reflecting on following Jesus of Nazareth was the objective of the retreat that brought together 25 animators and advisers of the Marist Youth Ministry from May 4 – 6 in Tramandaí, Brazil.
There were dozens of experiences imbued with intense listening, self-knowledge and dialogue inspired by the natural beauty of the place that was the venue of the meeting.
The apron was the symbol of the meeting, based on the letter “Just a Tent as the Heart of our Future” written by Brother Emili Turú (superior general of the Marist Institute from 2009 to 2017) in which he speaks about the “Church of the Apron”.
The text presents the proposal of “looking at the world from the perspective of another person. Being able to put yourself in their place; letting yourself be touched by that person.”
The synthesis of the activities was recorded on the inner side of the apron, which referred to the care and inner knowledge that each one needs to have.
On Friday night, May 4, the sharing was about what the colour of each one’s day was. The moment also provided the opportunity for the integration and presentation of the group members.
On May 5, Saturday, began on the shore of the beach with the beautiful landscape of sunrise. They contemplated nature with the verses of the creation of the world in Genesis. Consequently, the invitation was to reflect on the disappointments of each one’s life and to think about how one faces them.
Throughout the afternoon, the questions were: what was the reason for the life of Jesus of Nazareth, why did Champagnat live and why do I live? Reflections on these questions were made in trios. At the end of the afternoon, each one summarised the experience of the retreat until then by designing with clay. The meanings of each work were later presented during vespers.