2011-09-27 SPAIN

The new brand ?Marists? gives unity to the institutional image in Europe

The Conference of Provincials of Marist Europe has approved the norms guiding the application of the brand “Marists” to bring unity to the institutional image in the region. The visual corporative identity is the sum of the elements which, utilized in a coherent way, define the unique and recognizable character of a brand and transmit its personality. The visual image constitutes one of the most important communication resources a corporation has. It is the primary medium for transmitting the values and personality of a corporation and its proper identity, different from other institutions. For this reason, all the corporation’s communication materials should maintain a visual language and a uniform quality and exactly reflect the values and objectives which characterize it. The elements utilized in communicating the institutional image must be palpable and visible and be designed in accord with the basic principles of the corporative image.

The new Marists brand, adopted by the Provinces of Europe, has the objective of unifying for the public the presence of the Marist work in Europe, making use of a single image. Therefore, a modern image has been created through which it is sought to symbolize the values the Institute transmits through its works. The brand consists of the M, of Marists, in the form of a heart, in which one can detect the figure of an educator with a child, accompanied by three violets. The name Marists is situated beneath this written in a form of print conveying the values of youth and closeness.

A manual has been composed to make the new brand known. It will serve as a guide for applying the visual elements constituting the new corporative image. The publication contains the design regulations to be used, the size and proportions of each element, the colours, the number of the “palate” which identifies the colours of the inks in the print, and the way of applying the brand on the various communication items used: paper, labeling, clothing, etc. The “Brand Guide” constitutes, then, a reference and working document for all those people responsible for the correct application of the “Marists” brand image.

Together with the brand, it also defines the position to be occupied by the space devoted to

  “publicity”, utilized to denominate Colleges, Provinces or Projects associated with the congregation. The use of the “publicity” is obligatory associated with the brand in a form so that both form the institutional logotype of the Marist works in Europe. Its location will always be beneath the brand and centred with respect to the word Marists. The brand must be separate from other graphic elements to maintain its integrity as a visual expression. No  element must invade the " brand’s protective area”.

The use of logos and brands has been becoming more and more general in the Institute to identify specific events, such as General Chapters, Marcellin’s canonization, regional meetings, General Conferences, etc. The initiative of Marist Brasil in unifying the logo and brand for the works of all three Provinces and the District of Amazonía, has offered a new experience of how to make oneself present in our world through the technical use of the communication media. United with that of Brasil, the Marist European initiative shows up the deficiencies of our collective institutional image, at the same time as it proves the ability to generate efficacious solutions.

Download manual (PDF – 2 MB) | Adobe Ilustrator + font (ZIP 2,2 MB)


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