2012-06-21 GENERAL HOUSE

The Provincial of « Brasil Centro-Norte » reappointed for three years

Following the sondage held in the Province, the General Council has decided to reappoint Br Wellington Mousinho de Medeiros as Provincial of « Brasil Centro-Norte », for a second three year term. Br Wellington will commence his mandate on the occasion of the holding of the Provincial Chapter in December.

When he was appointed Provincial, Br Wellington committed himself to working for the construction of unity in the Province. He entrusted his service of animation and government to Our Good Mother, telling the Brothers he would only be the vicar of Mary, the first Superior. To gain the desired unity, he asked of all understanding and a sincere desire to live what the General Chapter said about restructuring : live the process and readily assume it. At the 3rd Provincial Chapter, the Province took as motto : « With Mary, to construct without delay the unity of theProvince ». The urgency of the new land spoken of by the General Chapter became, for the Province, the new land of unity. This is what Br Wellington and his Council have tried to do during their first term.

Below you will find a brief biography of Br Wellington.


I am Wellington Mousinho de Medeiros. Born October 1947, in João Pessoa, Paraíba. I am a former student of the Marist college Pío X. Entered the juniorate in 1963, the postulancy in 1964, the novitiate in 1965, and the scholasticate in 1966-67. I took perpetual vows in 1970, and stability in 1984.

I have licentiates in Theology, History, and Pedagogy (School Administration). I specialized in the Theology of the Religious Life at the “Lumen Vitae” Institute in Brussels , and in the Theology of Education in the Institute of Theology and Ministry of CELAM and the Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá – Colombia).

I worked in the houses of Marist formation – coordination of the juniorate and the scholasticate. Director of various Marist colleges and currently Director of “Marista de Maceió”. I was the first Vice-President of the Association of Catholic Education of Brazil, and President of the Associations of Catholic Education of various states of Brazil. . In the former Province of Brasil Norte I was provincial counsellor and responsible for the provincial coordination of Educational Ministry.


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