2018-07-06 BRAZIL

?The Sense of Life?

The edition of 2018 of the Project ‘Atrio de los Gentiles’ in Brazil will have as theme “The Sense of Life” and will take place from the 3rd to the 5th of September, in Curitiba, in the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR).

The ‘Atrio de los Gentiles’ is a project of the Pontifical Council for Culture from the Vatican and its objective is to favor dialogue between believers and non-believers on the fundamental themes of human existence.  In Brazil this is carried out by the Institute of Science and Faith of the PUCPR. 

The Project ‘Atrio de los Gentiles’ is a response to the inspirational discourse of Benedict VI on December 21, 2009.  At present Pope Francis reaffirmed the importance of this dialogue for the Church.  Starting from this, the Pontifical Council for Culture obtained inspiration to create places of encounter and dialogue, a space of freedom of expression and respect for those who do not believe and for those who ask questions regarding their own faith.   

Referring to the "Atrio de los Gentiles" of the temple of Jerusalem constructed after the exile, during the years 20-19 BC, this Project is a space which everyone can cross, without distinction of culture, language or religious vocation, and where it is possible to ask oneself regarding the great questions of life and of society, and, in this way, get closer to the “unknown God”.  

In this way the Atrium is an open window to the world of contemporary culture which wants to hear the voices which resound in its different searches and perspectives.

The details on the event which will take place in September may be consulted in the following link: http://cienciaefe.pucpr.br/


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