2022-06-13 THAILAND

The Superior of the District of Asia appointed for a second term

The General Council announced the appointment Br Canísio José Willrich as Superior of the Marist District of Asia for a second term of three years. Brother Canísio will begin his mandate as District Leader during the celebration of the District Chapter which is to be held from the 16th to the 19th of August 2022.
In his letter, sent to the Brothers of the District, Brother Ernesto thanked Br CanĂ­sio for the work accomplished during his first period, and also extend his gratitude to the District Council for the performance. “Thank you, Brothers and Lay Marists, for all you do to keep Marcellin’s dream alive in the countries that comprise the Marist District of Asia”, said Br Ernesto.

The Marist District of Aisa (MAD) consists of communities in 6 countries: Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, China and Vietnam.

Br. Canísio José Willrich

Br. CanĂ­sio was born on February 17, 1972 in SĂŁo Vendelino, RS, Brazil. He is a member of the Brasil Sul-AmazĂ´nia province. He entered the Marist Juniorate in 1986 and pronounced first vows on December 8, 1992 in Passo Fundo, and made perpetual profession on November 22, 1998.

He studied theology in the PUCRS; he followed a course in catechesis and another in the psychology of education in SĂŁo Paulo. He also studied English and completed a course for formators in Chile.

His work experience in the province included a number of years in initial formation and vocation ministry, as well as in social ministry, and as teacher and community animator.

Br. Canísio has been a member of the Asia District for the past 14 years. He began his preparation for Mission Ad Gentes in 2007 – an English course in South Africa and the five-month course in missiology in Davao, Philippines.

In 2008, he was sent to Vietnam, where he learned Vietnamese and worked in vocation promotion and initial formation.

He served in the novitiate in Cotabato, Philippines, from 2012 to 2014, and after two years on the staff at the novitiate in Tudella, Sri Lanka, from 2014 to 2016, he returned to Vietnam, where he worked in vocation ministry and initial formation. He was secretary of the district council and twice councilor for the Marist District of Asia. Was appointed as Superior of MDA in 2019.


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