The vocation of a brother and the new beginning
The General Council met with the region of Asia’s three administrative units, the Councils of the Provinces of South Asia and East Asia, as well as the Marist district of Asia, from Oct. 4 – 8.
The meeting took place in “Camilian Pastoral Care Center” in Bangkok, Thailand. The encounter’s main objective was the reflection on the meaning of new beginning for the vocation of Brothers in the region.
The general outline of the recent Vatican document “Identity and mission of the religious brother in the church” served as base as a guide for reflection during the meeting.
Another goal was related to sharing ideas about the different processes that the Institute is currently promoting: the Revision of the Constitutions; LaValla200˃ Project (International Communities for a New Beginning), Global framework for Marist Lay Processes, International Colloquium on initial formation, New Models of Animation, Government and Management and the preparation of the 22nd General Chapter.
The region of Asia could be characterised by being a very rich and varied mosaic of cultures and traditions, also very clearly revealed in the Marist life.
Some of the countries have a long educational tradition and with schools that have been very well recognized by society and by the Church. The Marist District of Asia (previously known as Mission Ad Gentes Sector) is more recent. The novitiate of Tudella in Sri Lanka is currently home to novices of the South Asia Province and the Marist District of Asia. The District also includes two novitiates of the Melanesia District. The novitiate of Tamontaka, in the Philippines, includes youth of the East Asia Province. The post novitiate is for all those in Manila (MAPAC). The topic of initial formation was an important topic of reflection during the encounter. In the evening of Oct. 7, was an occasion for the brothers and laity of the Marist District of Asia present in Thailand to celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary together. Four or five members who have joined the district after having done the formation programme in Camaldoli for the LaValla200˃ Project (and that are currently doing a preparation programme in Bangkok before going to their respective countries) also took part. The aim of the celebration was to give thanks for the past 200 years of Marist life that will be celebrated in 2017.
The three councils met for another day and a half to be able to deal with the New Models of Animation, Government and Management. Their encounter was animated by Brothers João Carlos do Prado (current director of the Secretariat of Mission) and Carlos Alberto Rojas (new director starting January). Other participants included Luca Olivari (assessor) and members of the New Models’ project team for the Asia region.