There is a flower … I think it has tamed me …
-"Sure", said the fox.- "You are still no more to me than a child like a hundred thousand children. And I do not need you. And you do not need me either. I am no more to you than a fox like a hundred thousand foxes. But, if you tame me, we'll need each other. You will be unique to me in the world. I will be unique to you in the world …"
– "I begin to understand," said the little prince. – There is a flower … I think it has tamed me … "
During the week (21-27 November) we have experienced several moments of "domestication", according to the perspective that Saint-Exupéry proposes in The little Prince (read more about the meeting).
We culminated the theme of Interiority that Br Óscar Martín measured with a creative synthesis in which we learned to pray with the Dance and Sculpture. We praise and ask for forgiveness through body expressions and in contact with the clay we remember the Potter of our lives.
We received with joy the intervention of Br. Emili Turú, General Supeior of the Marist Brothers, Champagnat's successor. With the clarity of his message we reflect on the world context of the Institute and the challenges we feel called, among which we disregard the vocation of brothers and lay people, the renewal of animation and government structures that generate life, and the challenge of the international communities.
The intervention of Cristina Menéndez from ADSIS was a great enlightenment, and we were accompanied by the reflection on the pastoral changes that we need to make operative in a postmodern society, where the emphasis is on processes, life orientations and multiculturalism.
Later on with the Brothers Miguel Ángel Espinosa and Joao do Prado, we talked, in a very creative way, about the relationship between the Youth and Vocational areas in the Marist Pastoral.
Almost at the end of the week, Brother Ernesto Sánchez Barba, General Councilor, favored an environment of learning that allowed us to understand vocational culture and its implications for pastoral animation.
On Friday afternoon, some of us participated in the Tutti Fratelli meeting in the general house of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Lasallian) together with members of other congregations of religious brothers. Others took the time to rest or to know more about the Eternal City.