There is life… and it brings us together
Fifty-two brothers met for the assembly of the Cruz del Sur province at the Villa San José in Luján, Argentina, in preparation for the VI Provincial Chapter, that will take place from Sept. 28 – 30 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Before the assembly, held from April 19 – 21, there was a meeting of all the government, animation and management teams of the province in February. In August, the province will continue its journey with a mission assembly.
The theme of the assembly was ‘There is life … and it brings us together’ and it focused on being thankful to God, to the brothers and lay Marists, who generously give their lives.
During the Assembly, an activity was carried out in which they selected the most important topics and the most outstanding proposals, according to the brothers’ ages.
For temporary brothers, they underscored the importance of accompaniment and integral formation of (young – adult) brothers as well as the importance of guaranteeing their participation and representation.
For brothers aged 30 – 49, they emphasised the value of new community and leadership styles.
For brothers from 50 – 59 years old, the importance of building vital communities together and guaranteeing the charismatic and the generational change of the laity in the management was highlighted.
For brothers from 60 – 69 years old, they spoke about the search for simple structures of the provincial government and for discernment when shaping communities, to accompany people in their particular situation.
Regarding brothers aged 70 – 79, the emphasis was placed on the accompaniment of communities and on paying special attention to the care of the brothers and the laity through listening, accompaniment, respect and formation.
Finally, for brothers aged over 81, the assembly underscored the importance of having the Provincial Council assure and strengthen the mission of “making Jesus Christ known and loved” and educating with the Marist charism in all Marist works. It also revealed the value of looking after the young and the elderly.