Thinking of alternatives for cooperation within the African region
The administrators of the administrative units of Africa gathered from Aug. 2 – 4 in Kigali, Rwanda, to share the reality of each province and reflect on alternatives of cooperating as a region.
“The environment of the encounter was really good,” said one of the participants. “The welcoming of the community of Kigali and the Province of PACE was appreciated.”
Participants included Brothers: Toussaint Randriamanantena de Madagascar, Theoneste Kalisa, Teodoro Grageda, Emile Motanda and Crescent Karerangabo of the PACE province, Innocent Ndububisi of Nigeria, Birkem Pascal of the West Africa district, Juan Ignacio Poyatos of the Mediterránea province, Nicolás Banda of Africa Austral, Francisco Baeza and John Bwanali of the Finance committee of MIC and of MIUC, and Libardo Garzón, econome general.