Third Age Renewal Session
The latest Third Age Renewal Session, that ended on December 8, brought together11 Marist Brothers from different nationalities and 2 Marianist Brothers from the USA, the group ranging in age from 66 to 84 (Mature and well seasoned men, proud to have white hair!). In addition there were 3 members of the team. The atmosphere was relaxed and cordial.
During the first few days of the program we took the time to reflect on our lives and share our personal stories.
Brothers Ernesto Sánchez, Ben Consigli, Sean Sammon, Emili Turú, Michael Green, Brendan Geary, Don Bisson and José María Ferre and other speakers tried to provide a common thread in the topics they presented: transitions in life, Marist and Marianist spirituality; mystics and prophets, health and wellness, human development and spiritualty (the psycology of aging), sexuality and affectivity, Mary in our life, insights into the New Testament etc.
In general, the daily program was organized around a common prayer in the morning, followed by two sessions with a presenter. Afternoons each us was free to organize his own program. Eucharist was celebrated before the evening meal.
An important part of the program was the pilgrimage to our foundational places. While the Marists visited the Hermitage and the surrounding areas in France, the Marianists spent time at the wellsprings of their foundation in France and Spain. During this period, due to inclement weather and their advanced age, several Brothers contracted severe colds and the flu.
During our time in Manziana we visited places of artistic and historical importance, made a 3-day pilgrimage to Assisi and had a preached retreat.
Visitors included General Councilors, members of the General House community and Brothers from Australia. A Marist Sister also spent several days with us.
During the session we enjoyed opportunities to learn more about our mission around the world through brief presentations on our various Provinces and Districts and on the ministries in which we are engaged.
Our program finished with a closing Eucharist and dinner on Saturday, December 8th.
In brief: this Third Age Renewal Session was a graced time and a wonderful experience, energizing us toenter into this stage of our life with gratitude for everything that we experienced.
Never feel bad about getting older. It’s a privilege denied to many!
It is a town located about 40 kilometres (25 miles) northwest of Rome with a population around 6500 inhabitants
It has a continental climate with cool weather during autumn.
In 1950 the Marist Brothers of Italy opened a Juniorate there and due to lack of students it closed around 1989. Subsequently the house was renovated and in 1993 it became an ongoing formation center for the Brothers of the Institute.
Br. Jose Luis Grande