How to become a lay marist?

Who is a lay a marist?

If you are reading these lines, you are someone who has come into contact with the Marist charism in one way or another. It may be because you work in a Marist ministry, because you are a former student, because you are close to or friends with a Marist, because you participate in youth ministry activities or volunteering, because you are a parent of a child in a Marist school, because you belong to a prayer or Christian life group… or for some other reason.

From your own experience, you feel that you want to delve more deeply, to know more about what it means to live as a Marist or to ask yourself if you are called to be a lay Marist.

To do this, the first step is to talk to a Marist (brother or lay person) near you, in your country, in the Marist Province or District where you live. Ask them which person or team is responsible for lay Marist life near you, get in touch with them and tell them about your situation.

You will be invited to embark on a formation journey, which will include personal reflection and some activities. You will be invited to deepen the human, Christian and Marist dimensions of your life. Little by little, you will discern your vocation, being accompanied in a personalised way and sharing this journey with other Marists in a small lay community. Becoming a lay Marist will involve a process of vocational growth, a journey of life-giving identification with all three dimensions of the Marist charism: mission, spirituality and fraternity.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us.