Brother François’ Heroicity of virtues’ decree

We reproduce the following excerpts from Brother François’ Heroicity of virtues’ decree that was promulgated by Cardinal Benno Gut, the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites (14 july 1968).

1 – Brother François sought with all his strength to be Father Champagnat’s living image, by his love of Jesus in the Eucharist, his imitation of the Holy Virgin, his thanksgiving for favours obtained, and by urging everybody to behave likewise. Hidden in God, he loved silence, humility and modesty. He was remarkable for the innocence of his soul. Voluntarily practising corporal mortification, he even disciplined himself and wore a hair shirt.

2. His compassion and likeableness extended themselves to all, specially the young ones, the poor and the sick. He had the knack to encourage and comfort those in distress.

3. Right now there is no doubt concerning his practice of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity in his relationships with God and neighbour. We may say the same about his practice of the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Strength and Temperance. This Servant of God, Brother François, Superior General of the Little Brothers of Mary did practise them at a heroic degree.