Thank you, Brother Basilio: Br. Charles Howard

Apostle in our Marist world,
bearer of the Good News,
ever attentive to his brothers,
especially those most in need of his care.

Brother Basilio’s prophetic voice
was constantly inviting us
to welcome and respond
to the challenges we received from Vatican II.

He had a knack
for leading hearts to focus on people
rather than institutions,
and greatly invigorated his brothers’ faith
and trust in themselves and their Congregation.

He was a man skilled at gathering information
and formulating accurate judgments in service to truth,
and he dedicated himself to bringing about
a deep renewal of the spiritual life.
To accomplish this,
he began from his own union with God,
a force that unified his life with the blessings
of integrity, simplicity, and humility,
essential traits in our Founder and Marist tradition.

We thank this fearless guide
who has shown us the way ahead
and continues to walk by our side.
Brother Basilio has truly been a trailblazer
on our long journey into the future.

Br. Charles Howard, F.M.S.