?To be the face and hands of your tender mercy?
A mariology congress was held in Veranopolis from 20 to 24 May. The event brought together some 60 participants, brothers and laypeople from across Brazil.
Starting from the phrase, “To be the face and hands of your tender mercy”, those attending explored the marian face of the Church in terms of mercy, tenderness and prophecy.
The theme was approached from four different angles: biblical-theological; socio-political-cultural; mystical-prophetic; charismatic-institutional. Activities included presentations, group work, prayer moments, a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Caravaggio and a visit to the art exhibition of Leticia de Casthilos, The Smiles of Mary in the Amazon.
Sonia Vidal, advisor to the department of Consecrated Life and Laity within the Marist Union of Brazil (UMBRASIL), explained the purpose of the congress as, “It is part of the five-year plan for the formation of leaders / multipliers responsible for activities at the Province-level, aimed at reflecting on and strengthening our Marian identity. The event was a lead-up to the Mariology Symposium in 2021.”
It was also an opportunity to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the birth of St Marcellin Champagnat and to commemorate this, the book “Letters of St Marcellin Champagnat” in French and Portuguese was published. This edition contains the signed texts and drafts of Marcellin, reproduced with as faithfully as possible, along with informative notes on the people and context of his time.