2017-04-06 MADAGASCAR

To facilitate communication and enhance efficiency

The African Mission Commission (AMC) held its first annual meeting in Antsirabe, Madagascar from March 8 – 12. All the members of the commission were present. Luca Olivari took part in the meeting and facilitated the work on the initiatives on New Models. Brothers Carlos Alberto and Mark Omede from the Secretariat of Mission also were present.

The meeting discussed at length, the initiatives of the New Models project as Mandated by the Conference of Superiors of the African Continent after their meeting in January. The team drafted a time-framed work plan on each of the initiatives.

The Commission will share with the Conference the progress report on the initiatives and seek the way forward in the next meeting of the conference in July.

Other discussions centered on the two workshops that were proposed for this year, namely New Horizons Phase II and Marist Youth Ministry (MYM). The need to have a link Provincial who will work closely with the African Mission Commission to facilitate communication and enhance efficiency was emphasized.

The Commission visited some Marist Mission in the Area and interacted with the young people in the mission.


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