To see him pray, it was a school of how to become face to face with God
Brother Fabián Javier García Terradillos passed away on May 8 in Benalmadena, Spain, aged 97 and having completed 80 years of religious life.
He was a general councillor from 1976 – 1885, and belonged to the Mediterranea province.
In his funeral, professor Javier Navarro Sánchez, of Jaen, recalled him with the following words.
“I can say that he was one of those people that God shone through. Some religious are able to make God’s grace bear fruit in them. That’s how it was for him. When they killed the brothers in Zaire he asked to go to Rwanda and his request was granted. He stayed there for several years. Seeing him pray each day was a school of how to have a face-to-face with God.”
Today at the funeral, his nephew told us that he was going to pray to him like he would to any other saint. I think the same.