2018-10-17 BRAZIL

Together, let us be bridges and beacon of hope

From Dec. 3 – 7, more than 70 Marist Brothers and lay people will gather in Veranópolis for the second Provincial Chapter. The meeting will define the direction of their actions during the Triennium 2019-2021, with moments of sharing, reflection and election of the Provincial Council.

The event will include the inauguration ceremony of Brother Inacio Etges, appointed to be the main canonical leader of the institution for the next three years.

From the theme Together, let us be bridges and a beacon of hope, the Chapter will draw its inspiration from the Marist Institute’s main appeals to call on all to respond boldly to current emerging needs.

According to Brother Deivis Fischer, Coordinator of the Preparatory Commission for the Chapter, the objective is to translate into local reality what was indicated by the XXII General Chapter. 
“Several actions that will be carried out until December aim at the discernment of what God wants from us, as an institution, at this moment.”


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