Towards a new beginning
Since the creation of the Preparatory Commission for the General Chapter in 2015, much work has been done to prepare the Chapter Assembly, which begins on Sept. 8.
In fact, the General Chapter is the culminating moment of a process that has produced much reflection and also documents that are an expression of the vitality of the Marist charism, which is moving towards a new beginning.
Pre-Chapter Process
Brother Emili Turú published a Circular of Convocation in September 2016, inviting all Marist Brothers of Champagnat to participate in the Pre-Chapter Process proposed by the Preparatory Commission. The three phases of this process were designed to enable the capitulants to be representatives of the Marist charism, to understand what happened in their own administrative units, and to transmit that wealth of experience to the Chapter assembly.
Each chapter member, in the assembly, will be a messenger and will transmit to the participants the lived experience and the suggestions presented by the administrative unit itself.
Report of the general council
An important instrument for the chapter members and for the Marists of Champagnat is the Report of the Superior General and his Council to the 22nd General Chapter, which was published at the beginning of the year as number 47 in the magazine FMS Message.
The ideas presented in this document result from the reflection and dialogue that the General Council undertook together with the members of the Secretariats and other teams that acted during its mandate.
The participants of the Chapter also received two annexes to the document: “Chapter Mandates Related to Finances” e “Report of the Services of the General Administration (2009-2017)”.