Tutti Fratelli Formation Program for Mentors in Rome
The Tutti Fratelli Formation Program for Mentors began on the 9th of September 2023 in the General House of the Salle Brothers in Rome with the participation of about fifty brothers from thirteen congregations. Six Marist Brothers are taking part, namely, Fernando Luis Alberto López Hernández (Mexico Occidental), Tainga Moanriba (Star of the Sea), Alphonse Tiamaro (Madagascar), Carlos Mario McEwen (Mediterránea), Samuel Gómez Ñíguez (Mediterránea), and José Aderlan Brandão Nascimento (Brasil Centro-Sul).
With the theme, “Let us walk together”, the program aims to generate a new space for meeting and sharing at the inter-congregational level as a family of Religious Brothers (‘Tutti Fratelli’) and to strengthen the links of the ‘Tutti Fratelli’ group with religious Brothers from different countries and regions in order to promote communion and fraternity in our Church and in our world. Specifically, it will provide tools to reinforce and qualify the mission received, deepening, and updating the fundamental elements of the accompaniment of young religious brothers according to the reality of religious life today and the current context.
The program will run for four (4) weeks, ending on the 7th of October 2023. It is being animated by the Tutti Fratelli Team, of which Br. Ángel Medina and Br. Lindley Sionosa of the Secretariat of Brothers Today are part. Br. Ángel is the overall coordinator of the said program. Meanwhile, several resource persons have been invited to present the different topics relevant to the theme.
The Tutti Fratelli is an inter-congregational team of Religious BROTHERS created in 2010, at the request of the USG (Union of Superiors General – Rome), to promote and encourage the vocation of the Religious Brother in the universal Church, especially in Rome.