UMBRASIL promotes the rights of children
On May 9 the Forum for Child Education was held, being carried out in virtual form and it was directed at the professionals of Child Education for the whole of Marist Brazil. The topic was the rights of the children.
With the object of reflecting on the educational-evangelizing proposal relating to children as mentioned in the Matriz Curricular de Educación Infantil de Brasil Marista, the programme benefitted from the participation of María Carmen Barbosa, Zilma Oliveira, Ricardo Mariz, Gandhy Piorsky, Brother Paulo Henrique Oliveira and Brother Renato Augusto.
In the forum the Matriz Curricular de Educación Infantil de Brasil Marista will be presented. For the Advisorof Education of UMBRASIL, Michelle Jordan, the document is "a pedagogic political referential- pastoral which aims to guide the strategic actions of the organization."
The Forum of Child Education was organized by UMBRASIL which has been a point of reference in the promotion and organization of educational events which, besides offering professional training to the educator and aiming to create space for the confraternities and exchanges of experiences within the Marist schools.