2017-07-06 UNITED STATES

USA Provincial Assembly

Nearly 100 Brothers and laity gathered for the United States of America Provincial Assembly, held from June 20 – 24.

On June 21, Brother Samuel Amos renewed his vows after participants discussed the upcoming General Chapter as well as the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) – the national representative body of the leadership of male religious institutes, monastic communities, and societies of apostolic life in the United States.

The next day, they discussed the Province’s challenges and opportunities, and took part in two workshops. The first was led by Brother Daniel O'Riordan on training for child safety. The second was led by the Province’s director of communications, Erin Gilbert, and the head of archives, Brother John Nash, on a new section of the province’s website.

A panel discussion was then held on how to move together into the third century of the Institute with Matt Fallon, Br Daniel, Maureen Hagan, Brother Al Rivera and Brother Michael Green, from Australia.

On June 23, Provincial superior Brother Patrick McNamara led the rosary in the morning before the group heard two presentations by Anne Munley on different depictions of Mary and led discussions on how Mary would view today’s world troubles.

Br Michael, author of the History of the Institute Volume 3, then gave a presentation on Marist Patrimony, before participants discussed the role of lay Marists within the Province.

The event ended on June 24 with Brother David Hall, from Australia, who explained the lay Marist model in Australia and the roles of its members. 


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