V Days of the Institute of Marist Studies (IEM)
With the slogan “Sport as education in values,” the V Days of the Institute of Marist Studies (IEM) was successfully held on 3 and 4 April 2014 in the Luis Vives block of the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPSA).
With the aim of achieving it and motivating the university community and participants in general, a team of 19 persons, trainers, sportspersons, journalists, commentators, and sport and university agents presented different papers and experiences from the perspective of education in values through physical and sporting activity, with significant psychological and pedagogical contributions, such as:
- The inclusive model of participation in sports, from the perspective of sportsmen and women with disabilities, Paralympic sports and the football club as an inclusive sport school.
- The passion and values for sport from the view of the sports journalist, the football player, the coach, and the sports commentator.
- The sporting experiences and the living of values of athletes, cyclists, coaches of basketball, handball, football and kink boxing.
- The way to form values in life, the clubs and in sport.
Above all, we have to show ourselves as models and to unite efforts, formation and projects which foster values through a conscious education in our daily living, holidays, games and sport.
We are very grateful to all the participants of one type or another, and especially to the EDELVIVES Group and to AVIVA (Association of services to persons with disabilities) for their help and collaboration in the Days.
Fernando González Alonso / Jacinto Escudero Vidal // IEM