2018-07-24 GENERAL HOUSE

Vanuatu, Uruguay and Chile

Marist International Solidarity Foundation (FMSI) submitted three new reports on Vanuatu, Uruguay and Chile to the United Nations Human Rights Council on July 12.

Marist teams from the district of Melanesia, the Cruz del Sur province and the Santa María de los Andes province worked several months to elaborate these reports on different issues that affect the rights of children.

The main issue in Vanuatu are children with disabilities and effects of climate change.

Chile has the challenges of children being deprived of parental care, children with disabilities, violence against children and children participation in all kinds of areas of interest.

Uruguay is facing issues with juvenile justice, decent housing, early disengagement from the educational system and violence against children.

The Human Rights Council will review these countries in January.

FMSI now hopes to prepare lobbying strategies to present its recommendations before diplomatic corps in their embassies and to permanent missions in Geneva, Switzerland.

These processes strengthen Marist partnerships with organisations like Franciscans International, Edmund Rice International, International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE) and other national organisations.

Download UPR: Vanuatu, Uruguai e Chile

FMSI is the foundation created by the Institute to promote and protect the rights of children. FMSI carries on its mission through the activity of advocacy and lobbyingand with projects in the countries in which the Marists are present.

FMSI was constituted in 2007 in Italy as a non-profit organization of social usefulness (ONLUS).

From 2011 it has the special consultative status before the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.

FMSI is member of: Bureau International Catholique de l’Enfance  (BICE), Centre Catholique International de Genève  (CCIG), Child Rights Connect, Movimiento Mundial por la Infancia de Latinoamérica y El Caribe, FOCSIV  (Federazione degli Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internazionale Volontario), Observatorio Niñez y Adolescencia  (ONA), Santiago de Chile.


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