2024-12-30 SPAIN

VIII Chapter of the Province Ibérica


With the theme “Invited to bear fruit”, the Marist Province Ibérica held its VIII Chapter in Lardero, from December 26-29, 2024. Twenty-three capitulants and four invited lay people participated. Representing the General Government were Brothers Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, and João Carlos do Prado, General Councilor. Br. Abel Muñoz began his second term as Provincial.

At the end of the meeting, the participants defined five guidelines for the next three years:

  • To develop meaningful experiences that allow us to live, transmit and share our vocation and experience of God.
  • To identify and meet the needs of the “Montagne” of today, adapting to the new emerging realities.
  • To strengthen local communities so that they may be a prophetic, charismatic and celebratory reference.
  • To accompany and care for the life of the Brothers and their communities.
  • To involve the whole Province in the process of confluence with Compostela and Mediterránea.
December 26th

The first day of the Chapter was marked by the tribute to the jubilarians, Brothers who celebrated 50, 60, 70 and 75 years of Marist life. The Brothers honored for 50 years of Marist life were: Eugenio, José Manuel, Jesús María, Miguel Ángel, Valentín, Ernesto and Julián. The Brothers celebrating 60 years of Marist life were: José Luis, Jesús, Antonio, Alberto and Eduardo. The Brothers celebrating 70 years of Marist life were: José, Alfonso and Valentín. While those honored for 75 years of Marist life were Brothers Alfredo and Victor.

After sharing lunch, in the afternoon of the first day, in an atmosphere of reflection and responsibility, the Central Table of the Chapter was constituted, which was made up of Brothers Moisés Alonso, coordinator; Iñigo García, secretary of the Chapter; Jaime Comabella, Alex Mena and Eduardo López, moderators.

December 27th

During the morning session of the second day, key reports were presented by the various teams that make up the provincial structure: the Provincial Council, the Council for Educational Works, the Marist Life Commission and the Council for Economic Affairs. These presentations offered a comprehensive look at the progress and challenges facing the community, making clear the dedication and commitment of all the actors involved.

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to analysis and projection. The main lines of action suggested by the II Provincial Assembly of Brothers and Laity, held between October 31 and November 3, were discussed.

This space for reflection was organized in dialogue groups that explored fundamental questions: How do we feel about these lines of action? What aspects do we miss in relation to the mission and the charismatic area? If we had to prioritize, what do we consider most urgent?

Although the continuity of the path followed up to now was valued, the need for greater concreteness, audacity and novelty in the proposals for action was also stressed.

Among the most outstanding reflections, three key pillars emerged: spirituality, fraternity and mission. These elements were recognized as the essential core of the Marist charism and as the main engines for facing the challenges of the present and the future.

December 28th

After breakfast, Father Alejandro Fernández Barrajón, a Mercedarian, invited the participants to look beyond the immediate, reflecting on what excites, what worries and what can be lost sight of.

It was a space of great inspiration, which led the capitulants to connect with the values that sustain them and the challenges to be embraced with courage.

The afternoon was dedicated to the “expression of calls” for the next triennium, a more proactive section. The proposals of the II Provincial Assembly of Brothers and Laity were validated, exploring new guidelines that respond to the challenges and opportunities that await us as a community. The first three proposals, already indicated at the beginning of this article, come from the Assembly, while the last two come from the Chapter.

The day culminated with a moment of celebration, under the motto: “Together we are community”, which reminded the participants of the importance of walking together in this time of renewal and commitment.

December 29th

After morning prayer and the traditional group photo, the invited laity had time to prepare their closing message. All this while the capitulars proceeded to the election of the provincial councilors for the new triennium.

Brother Provincial, Abel Muñoz, will be joined on the Provincial Council by Brothers Alex Mena, Alfonso Fernández, Jaime Comabella, Moisés Alonso and Patxi García.

During the closing of the Chapter, the invited lay guests, Alberto Burguete, Amaya Espuelas, Paloma Gutiérrez and Jaime Feo, shared a message, thanking the opportunity to be part of this event and highlighting the richness of the experience.

Br. Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General of the Institute, addressed some inspiring words to the Chapter, inviting everyone not to stand still, to continue persevering with courage and creativity.

Finally, Brother Abel, Provincial, closed the Chapter thanking everyone for their participation, inviting the participants to share what they have lived these days with those who have not been there, that the Province may continue to bear fruit.

Finally, the Eucharist of the Holy Family was celebrated.


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