VIII Provincial Chapter of East Central Africa
The VIII Provincial Chapter of East Central Africa was held in Nairobi from December 4 to 7, 2024, under the slogan “Nurturing Spiritual Life & Brotherhood.” Brothers Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, and Ken McDonald, General Councillor, represented the General Administration.
During the chapter, Brothers Luis Carlos and Ken helped participants gain an overview of the Institute as a charismatic family. Additionally, many aspects of the province’s life were presented and discussed.
Brother Venceslas Baindekeli Beimoyato began his second term as Provincial. The participants elected a new Provincial Council to assist Brother Venceslas in leading the Province. The council members are Brothers Fabien Bulaimu, Jean Mfurayase, Valerian Kalendelo, Thomas Omari, and Albert Nzabonaliba.
The priorities chosen for the next three years are: servant leadership, sustainability, spirituality and fraternity, and the call to support Marist vocations and discernment.
At the conclusion of the Chapter, Brother Luis Carlos shared the following reflection with the participants:
This Chapter has been a moment of grace, calling us to renew our commitment to the necessary changes that our times demand. It is not enough to identify challenges; we must face the realities before us with determination and courage, knowing that transformation often begins with discomfort. Let us take to heart the call to read the signs of the times and act decisively for the good of our Marist family, the Church and, ultimately, the God’s will.
A critical part of this renewal is fostering the growth of lay Marists. We must provide opportunities for them to deepen their vocational journeys, embracing their role as co-creators of our shared mission. This is not merely an option but a necessity for the vitality of our Marist charism in today’s world.
The future demands our focus on three intertwined priorities: vocations, caring relationships, and sustainable autonomy. Vocations—both religious and lay—are the lifeblood of our mission. Without them, we cannot exist to serve. At the same time, our care for one another must reflect the Marian tenderness that defines us. Autonomy, both personal and institutional, allows us to respond creatively and effectively to the needs of our time.
The role of the Marist world is also evolving. Where Europe once provided the driving force, other regions now emerge as centers of vitality and innovation. This calls us to rethink how we connect our province to the global Marist mission. Our unity as a global family challenges us to go beyond borders, sharing resources, ideas, and experiences to build a future where no province is isolated.