Voices of the Fire
It is with great joy and deep gratitude to God for the experience lived in Nairobi that we share the message of the II International Marist Mission Assembly.
The Assembly was nourished by the life, challenges and dreams born of the local processes, the reflection of more than 25,210 persons in more than 1,123 groups. We are convinced that God manifested himself in different ways during the Assembly, we wish to express with Saint John: “What we have seen and heard we are telling you so that you too may be in union with us” (1 Jn 1:3), we want to return the reflection so that each person, community, province, district or region feels itself challenged and called to continue giving life to the dream of Champagnat by being “prophets and mystics in communion”.
The message of Nairobi is available in word format and pdf which can be downloaded from the links below. We are finalizing a paperback booklet for printing which will be available from November on www. champagnat.org
New Marists on mission
Preparatory Commission for the II IMMA
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