«Washing the feet of one another.»
With the official appointment of Brother Ricardo Reynozo Ramirez as Provincial, the Mexico Central?s XIV Provincial Chapter began on December 19, 2009. Brother Ricardo has begun a three-year term running from December 2009 to December 2012. The formal appointment was made by Brother Joseph McKee, Vicar General, who took part fully in the Chapter?s first session. One of the Chapter sessions was briefly interrupted in order to congratulate Brother Ricardo and to thank Brother Fernando Mejia Perez for the service he carried out as Provincial from 2002 to 2009.
The election of the Provincial Councilors took place at the end of the first Chapter session. The election was preceded by a process which established several criteria that will give vitality to the Province. The criteria took form on the basis of views that had already been shared within the Chapter. The election took place in a positive and respectful manner, and once the voting was concluded, those present had the chance to congratulate and encourage the new Provincial Councilors.
Marcellin was inspired to give his life for children and young people, those who were the most poor and marginalized. In the same spirit, and in the name of the Mexico Central Province, the Institute and the Church, we wish wholeheartedly to thank Brother Fernando Mejia, Provincial; and, for their service of Province leadership during the recently concluded period of service, the Provincial Councillors: Brothers Roberto Laurencio Carrillo Garcia, Ricardo Reynozo Ramirez, Ignacio Sanchez Guillen, Francisco Javier Salcedo Camarena, Marco Antonio Soto Sanchez and Miguel Angel Espinosa.
Urged on by the XXI General Chapter to go with Mary to a new land, we offer our congratulations and our support to Brothers Ricardo Reynozo and Miguel Angel Espinosa, who continue on as Provincial Councilors, and to Brothers Joaquin Flores Segura, Jorge Arturo Carbajal Garcia, Gerardo Torres Estrada and Jose Sanchez Bravo who join the Province leadership team as new Councilors. May their administration help us to be generous and wholehearted in the choice we have made of living for the Kingdom.
Br. Rodrigo Espinosa