?We do not know what we will be able to contribute, but this is the way!?
From August 2 to 8, the Province of Compostela organized its second retreat for Brothers and Laity in Tui. Forty-nine – 49 – persons got together, 33 Brothers and 16 Laypersons, ready to reflect on the calls of the Chapter and see which implications these had on the lives of the Marists of Champagnat.
These were days of silence and prayer, also of sharing and of seeking paths to make these calls a reality in our lives, that with different rhythms and intensity I felt them resound in the heart of all the participants.
Elderly Brothers, the younger ones and the Laity of different ages, shared illusions, hopes and felt that this path of communion is something, which is becoming a reality in Compostela.
I felt the encouragement of some elderly Brothers who told me:
“Courage, we are with you. We do not know what we can contribute, but this is the way!”
Therefore, with this certainty we advanced during these days assured that we are travelling through a path that fills all of us with hope and reaffirms that the Marist Charism is a shared gift, which is worthwhile to give to the world in which we are living.
The Team of Communion of Brothers and Laity of Compostela, organized this event, and we thank everyone for this gift of the Spirit.
We also thank wholeheartedly the presence of Raúl Amaya, Director of the Secretariat of the Laity of the Institute, who kindly accepted to animate this retreat and brought us the fresh air of what the main lines of the Institute are for the next years.
Felicísimo Pérez Fernández